Yes Kishore ji. 6th lord of D1 in 11th too ( BPHS says gain through enemies. Here for a medical professional we can say GAIN THROUGH DISEASES instead of enemies). Anything SPECIFICALLY indicating medical profession very strongly ?
There are many reasons Dinesh ji. The stellium of friends in 12 house of hospitalization and their dispositior is exalted plus other reasons like AK+AmK indication raja yoga and D9 also has good yogas - too many good things needed astrologically from a doctor profession POV.
The choices I gave were meant to deflect using multiple promising angles and it looks like I was successful :)
Answer - He is an MBBS doctor. Wants to pursue PG in govt college. The majority of you got it right. But this chart was tricky if we stuck only to certain rules strongly. Hope it was a useful lesson.
Hint time: Can we infer something from the AK+AmK in 12th house of medical profession along with exalted 5HL (Ju) - who is also the 8HL in 12th exaled?11H Saturn would indicate some challenge in higher level education like PG?Just thinking... :)
The person may be a travel agent because his 12th lord moon( which denotes travelling and foreign) is exalted in 10th house along with exalted Rahu (which denotes foreign connections).
Thanks Kishore ji for including me. Regarding the MCQ, I will opt for travel agent. In D1, lords of house no 1,4, 5,8,9 all are in 12th. Shows much inclination towards travel and foreign connection. 12th lord Moon in 10th shows foreign connection to profession. Rahu ( foreign planet ) in 10th again shows foreign connection. Mental inclination also appears to be towards travel / foreign etc as 5th lord of D1 ( Jupiter) and 5th lord of D9 Mercury - both are in 12th house.
Hi, Kishore Ji, you are posting MCQs after a long time.As per my observation 1st choice is Hotel owner,reasons are
1.10th H occupied by moon which is a nourishment planet,and moon occupies 2nd in navamsa whis is also a nourishment house.
2. Restaurant being service industry lot of labours are involved for that satrun should be strong,being lord of 7 in 11 is gain from public, and satrun represents labours.In navamsa it's the lord of 10th in 6th H,where 6th house represents service, work is its public driven.
3.Also AL is occupied by Satrun, Again laborious work involved.
The other option is research scientist reasons
4.3rd aspect of sat on asc is again related to hard working,laborious profession.
5.Amatya karaka being moon, again can be related to nourhment
1.Asc lord sun with 8th L exhaulted Jup, and 9th lord mars, person may be researcher in field of religion
2. In navamsa Asc lord in 9th with ketu shows core spiritual seeker which turns him to be researcher.
Since i am repleing from phone I am making it short.
Yes Kishore ji. 6th lord of D1 in 11th too ( BPHS says gain through enemies. Here for a medical professional we can say GAIN THROUGH DISEASES instead of enemies). Anything SPECIFICALLY indicating medical profession very strongly ?
Answer - He is an MBBS doctor. Wants to pursue PG in govt college. The majority of you got it right. But this chart was tricky if we stuck only to certain rules strongly. Hope it was a useful lesson.
Hint time: Can we infer something from the AK+AmK in 12th house of medical profession along with exalted 5HL (Ju) - who is also the 8HL in 12th exaled? 11H Saturn would indicate some challenge in higher level education like PG? Just thinking... :)
The person may be a travel agent because his 12th lord moon( which denotes travelling and foreign) is exalted in 10th house along with exalted Rahu (which denotes foreign connections).
Thanks Kishore ji for including me. Regarding the MCQ, I will opt for travel agent. In D1, lords of house no 1,4, 5,8,9 all are in 12th. Shows much inclination towards travel and foreign connection. 12th lord Moon in 10th shows foreign connection to profession. Rahu ( foreign planet ) in 10th again shows foreign connection. Mental inclination also appears to be towards travel / foreign etc as 5th lord of D1 ( Jupiter) and 5th lord of D9 Mercury - both are in 12th house.
Hi, Kishore Ji, you are posting MCQs after a long time.As per my observation 1st choice is Hotel owner,reasons are
1.10th H occupied by moon which is a nourishment planet,and moon occupies 2nd in navamsa whis is also a nourishment house.
2. Restaurant being service industry lot of labours are involved for that satrun should be strong,being lord of 7 in 11 is gain from public, and satrun represents labours.In navamsa it's the lord of 10th in 6th H,where 6th house represents service, work is its public driven.
3.Also AL is occupied by Satrun, Again laborious work involved.
The other option is research scientist reasons
4.3rd aspect of sat on asc is again related to hard working,laborious profession.
5.Amatya karaka being moon, again can be related to nourhment
1.Asc lord sun with 8th L exhaulted Jup, and 9th lord mars, person may be researcher in field of religion
2. In navamsa Asc lord in 9th with ketu shows core spiritual seeker which turns him to be researcher.
Since i am repleing from phone I am making it short.
Thanks for the Question.